Last update: 22 june 2022
Below you will find all the basic information about alcohol. Looking for something else? We have a lot more information, divided into Categories. Can't find something, try typing a name into the searchbox (zoeken) in the top of the website.
What is it?
Name: Alcohol, ethanol, drink, drinks.
Appearance: In pure form colorless liquid with characteristic odor. Often sold in beverages like beer, wine, strong.
Background information: A standard glass of alcohol always contains about 10mg of alcohol, regardless of the type of drink.
Use and operation
Method of use: Alcohol is drunk. Sometimes Gummybears are soaked in vodka and eaten.
Detectability: Residue products of alcohol are detectable in urine for 2 to 5 days.
Duration: Effect felt after 10-30 minutes. Worked out after 1-1.5 hours per standard glass of alcohol.
- Relaxed and cheerful feeling
- Disinhibition and more self-confidence
- Decreased balance and motor skills and reaction time
- Amplified emotions
Short term:
- Alcohol poisoning
- Black-out or memory loss
- Dangerous or aggressive behaviour
- Going out
- Poor sleep
- Hangover, headache & nausea
Long term:
- Liver damage
- Impaired memory
- Inflamed stomach
- Brain damage or Korsakov dementia
- Greater risk of cancer
- Losing or gaining weight
- Social problems
- Alcohol is both mentally and physically addictive.
- With sudden stop of use, withdrawal symptoms may occur.
- Tolerance arises. If you drink regularly, the effects decrease with the same amount of alcohol.
- Drink in moderation. No more than 1 glass of alcohol per day and at least 2 non-alcoholic days per week
- Drink only in your free time
- Alternate alcohol with water or soda
- Drink for pleasure and not to drink away problems or out of habit
- Pay attention to the pace of your fellow drinkers and don't try to empty your glass first
- Occasionally say no to a drink or a round
- Don't start drinking alcohol before you're 18
- Pay attention to safe sex under the influence
- Do not use in combination with other means
- Do not participate in traffic
- Do not drink if you are pregnant or want to become pregnant
- Do not use in case of medical problems or use medication. Are you in doubt? Contact your doctor.